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Monday, December 6, 2010

Before It's Too Late #2 ~ The Big 3 Retiring Jan. 31

If you are like me, you may have been saving up for your favorite BIG basket AND planning on getting it for half price. Now it is retiring and you need to have a lower price to get it.  I wanted to share a way to get what you want today, but remember you'll need to place the order through your consultant (me), and not online to get the half price. Also three colors of baskets are available for the Hamper and Blanket Baskets: Warm Brown, Rich Brown, and Deep Brown.

How to do it? As an example, I'm going to "pretend" you want the Really Big One: the Hamper Basket with Woodcrafts Lid. The price is $320. Now, remember you can use it for many things besides dirty clothes, so tell your partner that it can be used for magazine recycling, balls near the door to take outside, the kids to throw coats into so they can shed them at the door, etc. Be creative, because it is gorgeous. Now. . . how to get it without spending a fortune.

As you may know, if you have a "party" (I've had many that I was the only "guest") and order totals $150 or more, you can get ANYTHING in the Wishlist/Catalog for HALF PRICE! So, first, you order the protector for $65 (almost halfway there), then if you want, order the Over-the-Edge Liner (I don't have one) for $60. So if you want both, your total is $125. Throw an order for 2 travel mugs (for yourself and partner, or your kids). They are $30 for two. That's $155. Then add your hamper for half price and your grand total is $330 (plus shipping and handling) and you have saved $160!

Now obviously, you wouldn't have to order the plastic protector. That's a matter of personal preference (but I didn't want my hubby's dirty work clothes stinking up the fine maple, so I did get one). If you don't want the protector, , I'd think about getting a KC Chiefs, KU,  or K-State Market Basket Lid set and give it to my wonderful husband for all his "treasures" that typically end up on the kitchen counter and I'd get the protector for a total of, drum roll, $155. Here comes the half price hamper. . . 

Isn't that a great way to help your sweetie keep his clothes picked up and his treasures all in one handy place?

Using the same strategy would work also for new Signature Small Laundry Basket, $215. 
$46 Protector for Small Laundry Basket
  $104 in Assorted Gifts for friends and family
$155 Total for Gifts and Protector    
$107.50 for HALF PRICE Laundry, Toy, Craft, Book, Sports Equip Basket
$262.50 Grand Total (plus shipping and handling)
$107.50 Saved!

Last big ticket basket is the Blanket Basket, $184.

$46 Protector for Blanket Basket
$104 in Assort Gifts for Friends and Family
$155 Total for Gifts and Protector    
$92 for HALF PRICE Blanket, Toy, Craft, Book Basket
$249 Grand Total (plus shipping and handling)
$92 Saved!
These baskets last a lifetime and can be used many ways as your journey through life.
Click on the Title of this Blog to go to My Shop Online to See the Diversity of Products.
Longaberger isn't just baskets!

Remember to get the HALF PRICE you must order through a consultant.

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